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JJR Summer 2019 - Career Exploration

I had the opportunity to explore the journalism and media industry this summer by taking part in the South China Morning Post's young cadet programme.

The exposure and fruitfulness was far beyond my imagination considering that I was only there for two short weeks.

The company's transparent, approachable, and helpful atmosphere is what impressed me the most.

I have been working in the Young Post's team.

Every week the whole team will gather for the editorial meeting to pitch different article ideas and to discuss the plan of the coming week.

Even an amateur like me was allowed to pitch my ideas to the editor and actually got to work on what interests me.😎

Here are some of my best memories and a collection of my work from the programme!😍

1. I went to a movie premiere for the first time and wrote a movie review for it. 👇

2. Going on a tour about the "sunset industries" in Hong Kong

3. ❗Ghost Month Dos and Don'ts❗

4. 🎂A fun little piece that I did with the other cadets to celebrate Harry Potter's Birthday🎂

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